Sunday 11 December 2011


Dreams are interesting. The sleeping kind I mean. Sometimes they are just what we were thinking about when we went to sleep, sometimes snippets on what we really feel, sometimes glimpses into the future, depending on what you believe. I mention that because twice I've dreamt of winning lotto and then it's happened, the sum of money was quite a few digits short of the dream, but it happened. The real reason for mentioning that is that for some people the future the dream showed is self manifesting*, therefore it's not a premonition at all, but to them it seems like it. And of course what of déjà vu? In all cases Ive had deja vu the original...scene was from a dream.
Of course it's our nature to try and find meaning in things. I had a dream recently where the story was what I had been thinking about but the people and location were different to the ones in real life. so what does that mean? Does it even mean anything? Does it need to mean something, of course not, it's a dream, a firing of neurons and other gooey bits in my head, that apparently only lasts seconds.

If the brain must unwind, why must it do it in a way that we can attempt to interpret? Dogs dream, but do they sit there and ponder what they dreamt? Or perhaps it is us that makes them dream? We have domesticated them, so to cope with the change, their brains dream. In that case, primal man would not have dreamt, but now we do to cope with the change we have caused ourselves, how we have deviated from the natural speed of change in nature.

Although none of this answers why cheese seems to make me more likely to dream. maybe because primal man didn't have any cheese?

*because it was seen, you start doing the things you saw to make it happen, when you wouldn't have otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. I read it was the Tryptophan in cheese that aids REM but then I also read it was the mould in the cheese. Is your cheese mouldy?
