Saturday 18 February 2012

Gingerbread Men

I don't follow any particular religion but my own. I find theology interesting as a branch of human psychology. I was pondering, strangely, the perfect man. According to scientists, any one collection or pattern of atoms is replicated somewhere else in the universe. Following that logic any particular pattern could be somewhere in the universe. Therefore, my perfect man exists, so does everyone's perfect man/woman/partner, problem of course is they may not be on this particular earth. Anyway it made me think about how some believe we were created in the image of someone. Do we not create gingerbread men in our own image? If so do we look as much like our creator as gingerbread men do to us? Everything is random in some way. Each gingerbread man is the same cut out, the same dough but slightly different. In any case I haven't really decided if I believe in some fella that mashed together some 'dough' in a vague shape like his own. And also in any case all the other bits that come with it....forgiveness if only you confess, my dog does that. Carry me when times are tough, my horse does that. Look down on me from above, my cat does that!
Most religions are much the same. I don't have a religion, but I have faith, love, and spirituality and that I think is more important than labelling myself as something.